Khun Yai is grandmother and primary carer to her 10-year old grandson, who has multiple disabilities and needs full-time care. Her husband is a motorbike taxi driver and, during the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, he was unable to work. Without any income the family quickly fell into dire need. Not knowing what to do, Khun Yai took to Facebook to ask local people to help her to feed her grandson. People were kind to her and donated nappies, rice and tinned food.

A few days later, the donations stopped coming and Khun Yai realised that someone had cloned her Facebook account and was using her story to beg for food.
People had donated food and money to the fake account. She was distraught, ashamed and didn’t know what to do. We are now supporting and encouraging her and are making deliveries of food and essential items to support her family.

Please consider choosing a gift to support a family like Khun Yai’s this Christmas.