Parts of Thailand are experiencing extreme flooding. Around a quarter of the families we work in Chai Nat and Uthai Thani provinces have been affected. These families have a physically disabled child at home and the flooding poses significant risks to the health and wellbeing of these children.

Floodwaters have damaged homes, businesses and possessions; leaving them unsafe & unhygienic. Burst sewage pipes cause dirty, germ-infested water to flood into homes, bringing severe risk of disease. Stagnant water also attracts mosquitos that carry Dengue Fever and Malaria, which are extremely dangerous for those with compromised immune systems.
Some houses close to the river have experienced such significant flooding that families have had to evacuate. Ensuring disabled children are moved safely and have access to the aids they need is extremely important to avoid accident and injury.
The floods have also affected road access, cutting off families from supplies and making it difficult for our team to access homes for health visits and vital physiotherapy sessions.
Your donation will be used to mobilise our team of social workers to reach families affected by the floods. The social care team will deliver emergency supplies including food and medicine, help to replace destroyed possessions, assure access to clean drinking water, support the safe evacuation of those at risk and help to clean and sanitise water-logged homes.

Tragically, one family we support lost a child in an accident in their flooded home. 22-year old Namfon, who was non-verbal and suffered regular seizures, drowned at home after a seizure caused her to fall out of her bed and into floodwater that had entered the ground floor. Her grandmother was upstairs preparing a meal for Namfon and did not hear her fall. Namfon’s tragic death has shaken her family and the community in which she lives. The outreach team are supporting Namfon’s family and doing all they can to safeguard others at risk. Please keep Namfon's family in your thoughts and prayers.